SECTION 2: In this section I will try to show the differences between
the same part from different arsenals, years and countries. The only purpose of
this page is to help make the collector aware that differences do occur and
about anything could be possible. These are ALL from my personal observations
and not from any books.
SKS receiver cover latches.
The purpose of the latch is to remove the receiver cover for maintenance.
The various pictures below show the receiver cover latches from various makes
and models of SKS's. Currently these are the only differences I have noticed.
Some are only cosmetic, some have different stampings, some are shaped slightly
different and some are just plain different.
SKS cutaway view
These are the two types
of latches found on the SKS. Note the difference, stock also.
Albania China - early 60's
China - late arsenal 26 - Note stock
& latch differences
China - Egypt
East German Nephew Tony Boy
North Korea North Vietnam
Romania Russia - Izhevsk arsenal
Russia - 1949 & early 1950 - Note hole in the latch Russia - late 1951-1956
Sino Soviet Letter Gun Yugoslavia - M1959
Yugoslavia - M1959/66 Yugoslavia M1959/66
Go to SKS page 3 more info! for hand guard latches, rear
sight bases and barrel to receiver attachment.